Personal Banking

Residential Mortgages

Couple with key to house

Say ‘Yes’ to Your Dream Home

Owning a home is a significant milestone in life, and Clarien wants to help make your real estate dreams a reality. No matter if you are building, purchasing, or refinancing your home, we offer competitive mortgage rates and flexible terms that will work for your investment.

At Clarien, we understand that homeownership is a significant investment, and we are dedicated
to providing personalised solutions that genuinely work for you. Our mortgage rates are highly
competitive, allowing you to make the most of your investment while keeping your payments

Clarien offers a variety of mortgage options with flexible terms designed to meet your specific
needs. Our experienced team will work with you to determine the best option that includes
affordable payments and low interest rates.

Clarien offers attractive financing options through our partnership with the Bermuda Housing
Corporation (BHC). Depending on your eligibility, you may qualify for the BHC’s Shared Equity
Programme, offering affordable and manageable payments on your mortgage.

Take the first step towards your real estate dreams and apply for a Clarien Residential Mortgage
today. Our experienced team of mortgage specialists will guide you through the process, helping
you choose the best options to achieve your real estate goals.

Considering the purchase of an income property or home-away-from-home?

A Clarien Bank Home Investment Loan allows you to finance the purchase of a second property using the equity in your primary home. Compared with a personal loan, you’ll get a better interest rate and a longer term – giving you the freedom to expand your horizons.

HomeStart – helping you own a piece of the rock so you can live more in the Island you call home

HomeStart is an initiative by Clarien Bank and the Bermuda Housing Corporation (BHC) to help more Bermudians own their home. It is designed to assist those who are able to make repayments but lack the funds for a 25% deposit. If you’re Bermudian and a BHC tenant or client, you may be eligible for a Clarien mortgage with up to 100% financing – with no down payment!

To apply, you must be Bermudian and with no full or partial ownership in a home. Trusts and other forms of ownership are not eligible.

You can find a list of currently available HomeStart properties can be found on the BHC website ( under the HomeStart tab.

For further details, contact

Get Started

What you will need to expedite your loan request with us:

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