Personal Banking

USD Premium Demand Account

Couple checking their finances

 The USD Premium Demand Account is an interest bearing solution that is ideal for individuals or businesses. This is a premium financial product designed to offer both flexibility and a competitive rate of return to clients with substantial on-demand U.S. Dollar balances..

Product Details

  • U.S. Dollar demand account
  • Minimum deposit: $100,000
  • Maximum amount: $5,000,000
  • Interest compounded daily and paid monthly
  • No monthly interest will be paid if daily balances fall below $100,000 in any given day for the calendar month or for balances over $5,000,000

Product Benefits

  • Daily liquidity with a competitive return
  • Daily deposit and withdrawal capability
  • Provides premium rate of return combined with short-term flexibility
  • Rates are subject to change at any time. Clarien retains the right to cease accepting new deposits to the USD Premium Demand Account product. All Bank accounts are subject to the Banks General Terms and Conditions.