USD Premium Demand Account
Unlock the Power of a USD Premium Demand Account
At Clarien, we understand the importance of having your wealth work for you. With the USD Premium Demand Account, you can unlock the potential of your wealth and take control of your financial destiny.
Our USD Premium Demand Account offers Clarien+ clients the opportunity to leverage daily
liquidity without compromising on returns. With a competitive yield and a minimum balance
starting at $100,000 USD, you can enjoy the flexibility of accessing your funds whenever needed,
all without being burdened by any associated fees.
As a savvy investor, focused on growing and preserving your wealth, you can take advantage of
the competitive yield provided by our USD Premium Demand Account. Whether you’re planning
your next big financial move or strategising on how to live the life you desire, this account caters
to your specific needs and objectives. It’s the ideal tool to empower you as you navigate your
financial journey towards a more enriching future.
Start experiencing the benefits of strategic financial planning and growth today. Contact your
relationship manager today for more details.
Product Details
- U.S. Dollar demand account
- Minimum deposit: $100,000
- Maximum amount: $5,000,000
- Interest compounded daily and paid monthly
- No monthly interest will be paid if daily balances fall below $100,000 in any given day for the calendar month or for balances over $5,000,000
Product Benefits
- Daily liquidity with a competitive return
- Daily deposit and withdrawal capability
- Provides premium rate of return combined with short-term flexibility
- Rates are subject to change at any time. Clarien retains the right to cease accepting new deposits to the USD Premium Demand Account product. All Bank accounts are subject to the Banks General Terms and Conditions.
Account Types
Clarien Smart Solutions
- Digital Account Opening
- Digital Account Maintenance
- iBank Personal
- Clarien iInvest
- Clarien iATM
- Clarien MasterCard® Debit Card
- Clarien VISA® Credit Card
- My Rewards App
- Clarien’s Alerts & Controls App
- Personal Loans
- Residential Mortgages
- Clarien Bank Solar Loan
- Clarien Pre-Approved Offers
- Clarien Save More CD