Listening. helping. building.

Five smart ways to invest your annual bonus, because it deserves a bonus too.

Annual bonus season is here in Bermuda. Congratulations on earning yours!

Our team of Clarien Financial Specialists have a lot of great ideas to help you enjoy an even bigger bonus. Just fill out the form and we’ll connect you to one of our experts.

It’s tempting to start thinking of all the things you want to splurge on with your bonus. But here are five smart ways to spend it and, in a way, still treat yourself:

1. Save for a passion fund

Whether it’s for learning a new craft, improving your career prospects, or pursuing further studies, following your passion is never a bad investment.

2. Give your retirement fund a boost

Putting your annual bonus toward your nest egg is your wisest long-term plan. A strong investment strategy may be the key to enjoying your retirement sooner rather than later.

3. Pay down your debt

Do your best to eliminate any high-interest debt. Your credit card balance is your top target. The money you save in foregone interest payments is cash in your pocket.

4. Increase your emergency savings

Consider putting away a portion of your annual bonus into investment vehicles that are virtually risk-free and easy to liquidate for unplanned expenses and financial emergencies.

5. Grow with us

We have the expertise and solutions to help give your annual bonus a bonus of its own. At Clarien, we offer a wide range of investment and deposit options to suite your needs, preferences and risk tolerances:

Certificate of Deposit

A CD is an excellent way to save for a specific personal or business goal. Our team will help you access the best term deposit rates in Bermuda and shape a solution that meets your goals.

Real Estate Lending

We want to help you achieve your real estate ambitions and realise valuable real estate investment opportunities—whether it’s buying your first home, making a move to a better home, or using your home equity to buy another real estate asset.

Online Trading

Take your investing online. iInvest and iTrade are powerful digital platforms that enable you to invest in equities and build a stock portfolio uniquely suited to your needs and objectives.

Discretionary Investment Management

Let us earn your trust and grow your wealth. Our discretionary portfolios are managed by the finest portfolio managers in Bermuda.

ESG Investing

A better world is the best investment. The Clarien International Equity Fund gives you access to invest in a global universe of companies positively exposed to or broadly consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals related to health, climate and empowerment.

GVF North American Founders Fund

Invest in the best. We have curated a portfolio of leading companies that have visionary founders and are part of strong industries.

Money Markets

Preserve capital and generate income by investing in government and non-government securities. We can show you how.

Alternative Investments

Choose something different in the Global Voyager Alternative Investment Fund or the Global Voyager Insurance Linked Securities (ILS) Fund. These funds enable you to achieve attractive long-term capital appreciation and gain protection against high market volatility.

BSX Services

Look to home. Our team is best positioned to help you invest in companies listed on the Bermuda Stock Exchange.

Connect with a Financial Specialist

No charge. Any time. Even after regular business hours if that is when you are available.


Clarien Bank Limited, through its wholly owned subsidiary companies, is licensed to conduct bank, investments, corporate services and trust business by the Bermuda Monetary Authority.