Incorporated Entity Account(s)
Protecting our customers against fraud and financial crime is of the utmost importance to Clarien Bank. You can help us protect you by making sure your personal information with us is always up to date.
If you have received a request to update your Incorporated Entity Account(s) information, please review the following required documentation, forms and checklist by selecting the categories below to ensure that your submission is complete:
Government Photo ID
- Valid Passport; or
- Other Government issued photo ID may be accepted for Bermudians who do not hold valid passports AND
- Birth Certificate
Evidence of Physical Address (must be dated within the past 3 months)
e.g. Utility bill; Land tax statement; instruments of a court appointment; car registration letter; or current Bank Statement (from a Bank other than Clarien) sent to the applicant’s permanent residential address.
For each Signatory & Director
For the Entity
Nature of Business Statement (On Corporate Letterhead):
- A written request for new account on Company Letterhead, duly signed by authorized signatory/ies, which includes:
- Clear summary of the Company’s business operations, organization, ownership structure and incorporate date
- Details of Registered Office, relevant jurisdictions, physical location & address of operating entities/place of business
- Source of Funds and Wealth
- Intended purpose of the account(s), including account types, currencies, expected turnover, cash flows and countries where payments will be made
- For international and exempted companies, provide reason for incorporating and/or establishing a relationship in Bermuda
The following to be provided by your Corporate Secretary:
- Corporate Resolution
- Certified Copy of Certificate of Incorporation (or equivalent)
- Certified Copy of any Change of Name (if applicable)
- Certified Copy of Memorandum of Association/Article of Association
- Certified Copy of Bye-Laws (or equivalent)
- Certified Copy of the Register of Shareholders disclosing ultimate beneficial ownership (or equivalent)
- Certificate of Incumbency detailing all directors and officers of the Company, signed and dated by the Company Secretary, with Company seal affixed (or equivalent)
- Certified Copy of the Certificate of Good Standings (for companies incorporated for longer than one year) (or equivalent)
Annual Report or latest financial statements, or business plan or appropriate.
Where do I send the information?
The requested documentation should be returned via one of the following methods:
- Email full colour scanned certified copies to
- Mail full colour copies to:
Clarien Bank Ltd.
PO Box HM 665
Hamilton HM CX - Hand deliver original document or coloured copies to either our Paget or Reid Street Bank Branches so that we may scan them.
What if I am having trouble locating or submitting my information?
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our Middle Office on +1 441 296 6969 or